Welcome to our role-playing Naruto: Apocalypse, Dear friends!
Here some rules you should know before join us.

Rule #1: All guests and players play and communicate in English.
This is an English role-playing forum. We will have some separate sub-forums that will be separate from the main game. In these sub-forums you can play and communicate in other languages. For now use Another stories.

Rule #2: Please, be courteous to other people who choose this forum.
You can act like your character (I think you'll agree that the polite Hidan is a strange thing), but don't forget the characters are real people. Don't get personal, don't hurt the other players.
Three violations will lead to the removal by the administrator.

Rule #3: Don't be ashamed of your poor English.
Honestly, we're all people here. People make mistakes and then they move on and they try to do better. Just keep trying, use the Bad English. And the Administration always happy to help you.

Rule #4: Read the storyline.
Use the History.

Rule #5: Choose your character.
Use the role list to find free character.
If you cannot register on the same day, you can keep a role.
Max Reservation is no more than 3 days.

Rule #6: One person - one character.
No twins. If you want to play as other character, you must free the previous one.

Rule #7: We only accept canonical and Administration needed characters.
Pay attention to the role list. If you didn't find a character there, then he isn't accepted.
Use We need you! for the Administration needed characters.

Rule #8: Complete your profile carefully.
Specify the country, city, your hobbies. This information will be useful for the Administration (for contests), for other players. Once a year, our community will organize a meeting to have a good time with each other.

Rule #9: Read the sub-forum rules.
Every sub-forum have rules. Read it carefully.

Rule #10: You can propose something.
We are open to suggestions. You can make us all better.
Use the Proposals for improving

Thank you for reading!